Kindle Not Charging

昨日からvegetable状態にあるkindle.症状は変わらず,回復の気配は微塵も見られません.さすがにDX international版が出たからといってそちらに買い換えるわけにもいかない.
customer discussionsには"Kindle Not Charging"というスレがあり,同様の症状が書かれていました.幸運にもスイッチ長押し…という手順で生き返った方もいらっしゃいましたが,我がkindleは蘇らず.
次の手はamazon.comのサポートへコンタクト.無謀にも電凸してみましたが,not availableとか言われたorz.番号間違えたかな.ある意味,英語を話す必要がなくなったのでホッとした.代わりにメールしてみました Help: Kindleの右側にあるアイコンから.

"We answer most e-mails in less than 12 hours."とあるので期待しよう.




I'm sorry you had a problem charging your Kindle. I suggest that this issue can be better resolved on phone where our live representatives can assist you.

I realize that at this point of time asking you to contact us again would be disappointing, however, we would really like to assist you better.

Your patience and understanding is highly appreciated in this matter.

You can reach us by phone directly and toll free from many countries by clicking the Contact Us option in the right-hand column of our Kindle Support pages at:

Simply leave your number, and we’ll call you right back. Contacting us through the website allows you to verify security before a call is placed and ensures we have your account information ready when we call you. If your country isn’t listed or you’re unable to take advantage of the Contact Us feature, you can call us directly at 1-866-321-8851 or 1-206-266-0927 (if you're calling from outside the U.S.).

We hope you can call us soon so we can help solve this problem quickly.